

  • gold barbeque sauce, 150 grams

  • dark brown sugar, 75 grams

  • lime juice

  • fish sauce, 27 grams

  • soy sauce, 27 grams

  • fresh ginger, 20 grams

  • black garlic, 20 grams

  • chili flakes, 4 grams

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  1. Peel the ginger and grate using a microplaner. 

  2. Peel the garlic and add the cloves to a blender/food processor.  Process until puree or paste like. Slice and juice the fresh limes. 

  3. Add all ingredients to a small pot. While whisking the glaze, slowly bring the temperature up just until the sugar melts.

  4. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, store in the fridge up to 24 hours before use.

Grilled Salmon

  1. Portion salmon into desired size and remove skin and pin bones

  2. Season lightly with salt and pepper then rub lightly with a touch of oil 

  3. Heat one grill burner on high while leaving on off to cook indirect 

  4. Mark the fish on both sides quickly and carefully to get nice grill marks (we are not trying to cook just mark)

  5. Once marked set off to the indirect and glaze three times every 5 minutes closing lid to let the glaze stick 

Smoked Salmon

  1. Leaving the skin on place skin side on a smoker rack (spray rack with cooking oil first to avoid sticking)

  2. Glaze then put into the smoker at 225 for about 45 minutes, reglaze during cooking every 15 minutes